Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Girl with, she broke the hour hand off the clock. so, its her call. I think it's fun when women in leather make all the decisions...

Don't you? :)

I've been sitting around thinking of how to dress up as halloween, well, who to do dress up as. Last year I did Magenta from Rocky Horror which I think i did a pretty good job at pulling off. And nope i didnt purchase the costume. I wish i had a better picture but what i used was an off white placemat that had a lace design all around for the apron and the scraps for the head piece plus an old white tie i owned.

My hair is no fun. It won't let me do crazy things with it even when it does, it shrivels down to its natural blah-ness.

1 comment:

. said...

I love rocky horror.